EXHIBITIONS > Notable Performances (2011-Present)

Nobodies Gala II
Nobodies Gala II

Nobodies Gala II, 2017
Hoesy Corona
Walters Art Museum

Labbodies | Recharging the Canon

Nobodies Gala II by Hoesy Corona at The Walters Art Museum is a multimedia installation and performance that celebrates the fifteenth anniversary of Corona’s longest ongoing performance “Hoesy” (2001-Present), a durational performance and inquiry that explores who we are and how we construct ourselves and our identities. In Nobodies Gala II 4 masked performers hold sculptural poses in other worldly garments among sculptural accents throughout the Walter’s Sculpture Court that respond to the museum’s obscure Mesoamerican earthenware collection.

This performance incorporates elements from Corona’s The Nobodies (2009-Present) an ongoing series that explores what it means to be a disenfranchised member of society in North America by embodying the abstract concept of ‘nobody’. In these performances audience members are invited to participate and become complicit by playing a part in the act of ‘nobodying’, an operation that consists of making somebody, nobody. Nothing all of a sudden is individualized, becomes body and eyes, becomes no one.